Jo&Margot | Cookie Policy
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Information concerning authorization: by using our website, the services provided via the website or receiving our emails, you authorize the use of cookies in compliance with this Cookie policy.


What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that visited websites transmit to users’ terminals (usually to the browser) where they are stored and then re-transmitted to the site when the user next visits it. Operation of cookies is entirely dependent on the user’s browser and they can be enabled or disabled by the user.
When we talk about proprietary cookies, we mean the cookies transmitted by Go Eyewear Italy Srl. When we talk about third-party cookies, we mean cookies sent by third parties outside Go Eyewear Italy Srl.


How are the cookies used?
The cookies are used to have a better understanding of how the applications and websites work and to improve on-line and mobile experiences. The cookies enable to analyse the performance of a website or a mobile app, to identify certain users anonymously and store their preferences, to understand better if a device (and probably its user) has already browsed the website and to provide customer targeted advertising.


Which cookies does the website use?


Technical cookies
Technical cookies are required for operation of the site and delivery of the services offered. Technical cookies can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the site; analytics cookies, designed to gather information in aggregated form for statistical purposes concerning the number of users and their navigation behaviour on the site; personalisation cookies that improve the service by personalising the user’s navigation experience according to selectable criteria (e.g. preferred language, products of interest etc.)


Proliferation cookies
Proliferation cookies are used to create a profile for users navigating on the site and monitor their navigation behaviour in order to transmit advertising messages for direct marketing purposes.